What are different types of paid ads to boost traffic

People would prefer to be served when and what they want. That is why PPC ads exist — to reach people the way they prefer. You'll enjoy learning about paid ads if you own a business, run an e-commerce site, or have any other type of business that relies on traffic to gain new customers.

You can use various paid search ad types to reach more leads for your business. We've compiled a list of seven ad types you can use to get the most out of your PPC ads.

1. Text Ads

Text-based advertising is the most basic type of PPC ad that many businesses utilize to bring relevant traffic to their websites.

People who view your ad in Google search results or an app will receive a short message on their mobile devices.

Users can click on your ad to learn more about your company, product, or service. Text ads are available in various formats, including single-line and multi-line ads.

Why Use Text Ads

Not all businesses operate the same way as others, and not all companies are the same in size or structure. It means that businesses wishing to advertise online need all the help they can get to get their name out there and generate sales. That's where text ads come in.

They're a great tool to use when you don't have much money to spend on online advertising but you still want to take advantage of the power of the internet to market to your target audience.

2. Display Ads

Display ads, like text ads, appear as display banners on search engines and other websites. However, they use graphics instead of text to attract the attention of potential buyers.

These ads typically include logos, links to your website, and other important information about your company. When users click on an ad, they are taken to a page on your website where they can learn more about your company.

Why use Displays ads

Display ads offer the perfect way to engage with potential customers by presenting them with eye-catching advertisements visible throughout their browsing sessions.

You can use display ads to capture their attention with stunning graphics and catchy slogans, encouraging them to click on your ads to learn more.

3. Video Ads

Display ads and video ads are extremely similar. Because they are played within an app that customers use on their smartphones or tablets, these advertisements are primarily developed for mobile devices. When a user searches for a specific term or phrase, it appears within videos on YouTube or other popular video-sharing websites.

Each video ad contains a link to your website, where consumers can learn more about the items or services you provide.

Why use Video Ads

Video ads are great for catching your clients' attention and promoting your products or services in a fun and engaging way. A video ad is guaranteed to capture your audience's attention and draw them in to discover more about your business and the products and services you offer through animation, eye-catching images, and compelling content.

4. Local Search Ads

Local search ads, as the name suggests, help users find businesses in their area that offer the products and services they require. When you build local search ads, you include keywords related to your products, services, and location.

Google uses IP addresses to determine each user's location and displays your advertising to users looking for businesses in your area. It enables prospective clients to find your company quickly and when they require the items or services you offer.

Why use Local Search Ad

Local search ads allow you to create adverts that appear in search results when people in your region search for the items or services you offer. When users come across a local ad for a product or service they're interested in, they can click on the ad to visit your website and learn more about it.

5. Call-Only Ads

Call-only advertising, like text and display advertising, gives users more information about your business when they click on your ad.

However, they only reveal your phone number when a user clicks on the ad, so they are not accessible to the broader public. It enables you to reach out to potential customers without spending money on advertising to people who aren't interested in what you have to offer.

Why use Call Only Ad

Call-only ads allow you to create a unique number for your business that customers can use to reach you directly and speak with one of your representatives. It is wonderful since it allows customers to contact you and learn more about your products without having to explore a complicated website or dial a long series of numbers before reaching you.

6. Google Shopping Ads

Like local search ads, Google shopping ads allow you to reach your target audience locally. You can also target users based on the products they want to buy, allowing you to promote specific items or services to your customers.

Why use Google Shopping Ad

With a feed of products created by your ecommerce business, Google Shopping Ads make it simple to promote your products on Google Search and Google Express.

You can create many ads for different product categories, as well as advertisements for specific geographical locations so that more people in your area see your products when they search on Google.

7. Gmail sponsored ads

Gmail sponsored ads are an excellent way to connect with potential consumers that use Gmail. These advertisements will appear in your inbox as Google emails and will be carefully suited to your business. These ads are for you if you want to use Gmail to target individual customers or prospects.

Why use Gmail Sponsored Ads

Gmail Sponsored Ads are a powerful way to get your message in front of the appropriate people at the right time and place by placing target ads on people's Gmail accounts' "Promotions" page.

Because these messages are displayed when people check their emails, your messages and links will get maximum exposure.


Ultimately, it's up to you to determine which of these options works best for your business. By choosing the right type of ad that speaks to your target audience, you'll be able to reach more leads and grow your business.

Final Words

Savvy Martech provides PPC services that are suited to your requirements. Our PPC factory's expert marketing staff understands how to increase traffic through social media advertising, display advertisements, and webinars, enabling you to focus on what your clients genuinely desire. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us right away for additional details.

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